Monday 11 September 2023

Make Christmas Christmas for everyone

Christmas has many different meanings to many different people. Obviously, there's the celebration of the birth of Christ, obviously. But for many people Christmas has become a time to not only mark the birthday of Christ (even though the decision to use December 25th was fairly arbitrary and involved politics to an extent) but to celebrate family togetherness.

However, the COVID-inspired global recession means that for many people they still really cannot afford the type of traditional family Christmas that they were used to in the good old pre-COVID days.

But! There are ways to try to make sure that everyone gets the type of Christmas that they would like to have, the type of Christmas that they deserve.

Many supermarkets have schemes whereby shoppers can help to provide foods and gifts for families who are in need of help obtaining Christmas foods, gifts and the like.

Supermarkets such as Morrisons and Tesco have a system where their customers can go into the store and donate food. Morrisons and Tesco both have a different scheme when customers pick up a plain brown or white paper bag which contains foods, toiletries, etc which they will buy with their regular shopping and then place in a special colleting point behind the checkouts. In conjunction with a local charity the branch will ensure the donations go where they are most needed.

Also in the months running up to Christmas stores like Asda, Morrisons, Tesco, etc, collect new toys and other gifts to distribute to families in need of help. 

One organise that provides special help at Christmas time is Crisis at Christmas

There are also food bank charities which you can get involved with

You can check for food banks and church operated food pantries and charities involved with providing support to those in need during Christmas in your own local area by searching with Google, Bing, etc.

Imaged used courtesy of JaymzArt from Pixabay)

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