Sunday 21 September 2014

New series of books make ideal educational gifts for children

A new series of educational books aimed at teaching children about the world of work is now available and will make absolutely perfect Christmas presents.

They present the information in a form that is both easy to read yet is not in any way patronising.

There are two books in the series, both written by Mairi McLellen. The series is called "What do the grown ups do?"

The initial books are called Fiona the Doctor and Richard the Vet.

They are in a paperback format and cost a very reasonable £7.99 each and are published by Matador imprint

Fiona is an MD and shows the equipment in her doctor's bag and explains what they are used for and how she treats people.

It explains the differences between a GP and a specialist and some basic facts, including why some people get smelly feet, whilst others don't.

It touches on a number of issues from basic hygiene to the amount of hours a doctor can be expected to work.

In Richard the Vet we learn about Richard's work as a large animal vet who specialises in equine medicine, which is the treatment of horses.

Richard also works with farmers to treat farm animals like cattle and sheep and explains how he deals with horse's teeth, the different breeds of sheep he works with and how he works to keep large animals in top health!

The wonderful thing is that Richard and Fiona are family to the author and this does come across in the books and makes them or the more enjoyable.

They make great books for children to read by themselves or with their parents.

Incidentally, other books in the series include Joe the Fisherman, Papa the Stock Farmer, Sean the Actor and Gordon the Wildlife Film Maker.