Thursday 3 November 2022

Catan Trade, Build, Settle

Klaus Teuber's Catan, Trade, Build, Settle is probably unlike any other game that you have ever seen or played. Ever.

Otherwise known as The Settlers of Catan, this game has garnered so many different awards that it's not always easy to keep track of them. From Game of the Year to Game of the Century, entered into the Hall of Fame and with a variety of awards from countries all over the world, including the USA.

It's an ideal Christmas gift because it's been hailed worldwide as the "Perfect Social Game."

So, what happens in Catan Trade, Build, Settle? Explorers with a thirst for adventure have the task of attempting to explore the island of Catan.

Catan is rich in resources but is totally devoid of any inhabitants, so is ripe for the plucking and for settling and for exploitation.

There are rich agricultural areas, harbours, a desert area and hills, wooded areas and mountains. An intriguing and deliberately engineered feature of the game is that the random mix creates an entirely different board with almost every game. Which means that no two games will ever be exactly the same!

What's the game play? You must steer your own team of settlers onward to victory. Sounds simple, doesn't it? But no! Your settlers will require a certain degree of cunning and they'll need to be smart traders, too. 

Work out which resource combinations will work out for the best, depending on several factors. Grain, lumber. wool, ore deposits, etc, etc. Use your resources to purchase highly useful development cards, have your settlers build settlements, roads and, eventually, cities,

You can acquire resources through trade, the use of cards or even the throw of a lucky dice! Even if it's not your turn? Wow!

However, you need to be aware that other settlers might be trying to do you down by employing their own cunning strategies. And do be aware of the larcenous fiend who has his eyes on some of your stuff!

It's said that the average game player can learn to play Catan in about a quarter of an hour, and that each campaign should take about an hour, perhaps a little longer. It's designed for 3 to 4 players.

It comes complete with a rule book and almanac.

It's suggested that you can learn to play the game at where you will find, amongst other highly useful things, the Catan Explainer App.

You will find Catan Trade, Build, Settle on same at Amazon, in specialist game retailers all over the country at about the £30 mark.

It will make a fantastic Christmas gift for the gamers in your life. 

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