Sunday 4 December 2016

James and the Amazing Gift

James and the Amazing gift is a wonderful book that will make a stupendously great Christmas gift for young boys and girls.

It is debut children's picture book by author and polymath Nicola J. Rowley.

It tells  the story of a little boy called James. And James has an amazing gift. He doesn't just like ot smile, he absolutely loves to smile!

From the moment he was born, people realised that James was a very special little boy. For he loved to smile all the time. And he was happy all of the time.

And he had an even more special gift. He could make other people smile, too!

And as he grew older, he used his amazing gift to help other people to feel happier and to smile, too.

Actually as I am writing this book review, I am smiling, too, so James' amazing gift does work!

Please do buy this beautifully illustrated children's book.

It is published by Matador and costs £7.99.

You can buy it here at our very own gift and bookshop >>>

You can also purchase it here

Please do note that every copy of this book that is bought and put into a Christmas stocking this Christmas will result in money being donated to a very important charity, called Contact The Elderly, it is a UK-based charity that aims to stop loneliness amongst older people.

Beyond All Doubt

Beyond All Doubt is a new crime thriller novel from the pen of Evesham author Paige Elizabeth Turner.

Intrigued by the recent advances in the uses of DNA in the solving of crimes and several cases where a previous conviction has been overturned by the re-analysis of DNA samples with the use of new and advanced techniques, Paige Elizabeth Turner has been inspired to write her debut crime thriller set within this very arena.

The body of Juanita Morale's is discovered in the River avon in the small English market town of Evesham. This was after she took a late afternoon river cruise on the boat of river cruise operator Barry Simmons who is suspected of having murdered her.

There's a lot of gossip about her death and Trevor, her fiance, decides to launch his own investigation to try to get to the bottom of what actually happened to Juanita.

But is Trevor really all that he seems?  Is he as pure as he wants the other residents of Evesham to think? Perhaps he isn't.

Other bodies start to appear and when a journalist working on the local paper the Evesham Record who was investigating Juanita's murder is, herself, found murdered in her car, people began to question if there is a link between the killings.

DI Marchant and DS Olivia Watts are investigating the murders and despite the extreme misgivings of DS Watt, DI Marchant arrests Barry Simmons and charges him with murder.

During the subsequent trial CPS lawyer Godfrey Postlewaite presents a compelling case, yet defence barrister Belinda Pace gives as good as she gets.

But which one of them is right? Who is the murderer of Juanita Morales? And is her murder really related to the other deaths?

This is a remarkable debut novel published by Mastador and it will make a super Christmas present for the crime thriller fan in your clan. And at £8.99, it's a real snip.

You can purchase it here at our very own book and gift shop >>>


The Great Wizard Wars

The Great Wizard Wars is a fantastic new novel for children of 7 to 11 years of age and their mums, dads, grandparents and older siblings who might like to read them with their children.

It's an exciting story about the battle between good and not so good (well, bad, really!) wizards.

Many, many years previously, there had been a terrible wizarding war, which had caused untold misery until eventually, common sense had prevailed and a binding truce had been signed.

Now, modern witches and wizards are going about their professional, yet extraordinary,  lives in a peaceful and peaceable manner, keeping themselves hidden from the rest of humanity.  

However, the ancient truce has been smashed in two and a Dark Army of witches and wizards with evil and mayhem on their minds has arisen and it is their avowed aim to destroy the descendants of their foes, the good witches and wizards of long, long ago.

Well, that was the plan. The reality is a good deal more comical than you might presume. For the evil witches and wizards are backward and despicable and they launch their attacks on the modern, peaceable witches and wizards with magical weapons that or just so out of date, it's unbelievable!

They also have control over some remarkable scary mystical creatures who they can employ to do their evil bidding! But not really! For the mystical creatures all have mystical minds of their own and which are completely out of the control of the bad witches and wizards!

The bad witches and wizards also cannot decide who should be their leaders, so they begin fighting amongst themselves in a truly mind-blowing way!

Four heroic young witches and wizards find themselves in dangerous situations as they fight off the evil hoards, yet a curious twist of fate forces them to participate in a very unforeseen showdown.

It's a wild and very interesting read -I think you'll like Gnashers the giant talking snake- and it will be a welcome addition to the Christmas stockings of many a young boy and girl this Chirstmas.

It's published by Matador at £6.99 and is available for purchase at our very own gift and bookshop which you will find here >>>

Georgina A song of youth

Georgina A song of youth is a new novel by Cedric Paul Foster.

It relates the story of Georgina, who is an extraordinary woman.

She is somewhat stifled at home. Her mother is overprotective and her father is demanding and very ambitious.

So, what is Georgina (Gina, or Georgy as she is more usually known to all save for her poor mother) supposed to do?

Simple! She runs away from home and finds herself living in France.

But as with much in life, that might, actually, mean leaving one set of problems and finding them replaced with an entirely different set of problems.

For Gina's story is set in the late 195os, when times were somewhat different and the life of a very young woman living by herself in a very foreign foreign country might prove, to put it diplomatically, a little problematic?

However, Gina does have one advantage over many of her contemporaries, in that she is exceptionally beautiful and is able to take up a career as a model. So long as she can evade the clutches of predatory males who mean her no good whatsoever!

But Gina manages not only to evade the lotharios, she even prospers and becomes a hugely successful woman in her own right becoming very rich in the process and carving out a life for herself which also included long lasting happiness.

It's an interesting novel, which allows you to share the life of an very remarkable woman and the friends which she shares her life with.

And yes, it will make a very good Christmas gift and you can purchase it here at our very own book and gift shop >>>

It is published by The Book Guild at £8.99.

The Will

The Will is a new novel by prize winning poet and author Jane Mann.
It tells the story of what happens to Hannah Delany.

At age 27 Hannah has to return to the UK from Hong Kong to attempt to disentangle the mystery that surrounds the death of her father and also of his will. And of the letters that he may, or may not, have written.

As she undertakes her investigations she finds herself having to burrow her way, with great tenacity, through lies, deliberate deceits and falsehoods, obfuscations and obstructions.

Some people seem to be trying to manipulate her, to thwart her efforts to learn the truth.

But despite their best, or worst, efforts, they seem unable to stop Hannah in her quest for the truth.

But she learns information that she might not have wanted to learn, really. Such as the disturbing and malevolent motives behind the actions of some people. Motives that might even mean that Hannah's own life is now at risk.

And what, exactly was Hugo's role in all this? And what of the family's home, Yadrahna, built in the 1840s of Cotswold stone?

And the skeleton? Who was it the remains of? And what had happened to them?

And who was Olga Slade? And what was shee doing at Yadrahna?

This is a compelling mystery novel which is very much wirtten in the style of a modern Gothic Novel.

It is published by Matador at a very reasonable £8.99 and will make a most excellent gift for the person who likes the mystery novels with more than a hint of the gothic about them.

You can purchase it online at our very own book and gift shop, here >>>

Love Across the Decades

In his new collection of short, romantic stories, writer Steven Baker (who we just met, you will remember!) has produced an entirely different work to his novel that your review has just written about.

Love Across the Decades covers five different love stories that cover, as the title indicates, different love stories from periods including The Great Depression, The Second World War, the post Second World War era, the 1960s and then, almost, but not quite, up to the modern times with an excursion into the 1990s.

But these are no Mills and Boon style fantasy romances. These are romances that deal with a whole host of human issues and human emotions.

How a family are tested to breaking point by the utterly unexpected and totally devastating loss of a young child, love at first sight, pregnancy, a man who found romance late in life, very late in life, in fact!

And we learn of the difference between a peccadillo and an armadillo.

We learn of the crushing isolation of being single whilst being at a certain age and all this whilst trying to pull at a dance.

And how even if the location of a marriage proposal is not, of itself, especially romantic, that by some magic, the location is, somehow, rendered romantic. Such as a bus, for example.

Yet how such a proposal may engender a spark of envy in the heart of someone who is less fortunate.

All Human emotion is here. Even the odd glimpse of canine emotion, too.

This book is a romance, yet it is unusual as it is real life, lived by ordinary people who just happen to fall in love. Or not, in some cases.

It's published by The Book Guild and is available for purchase at our very own book and gift shop which you will find here >>>

Battling Spirits and Kindly Hearts

Battling Spirits and Kindly Hearts is a new novel from author Steven Baker.

It tells the story of young Londoner Michael Forbes. His was a typical East End childhood. Poverty, hardship  but lots of love. And, with his parents, Frank and Honeysuckle, the annual event that many Cockney families looked forward to, the hop picking holiday in the garden of England, Kent.

But the year was 1939 and with the advent of war life would change for the Forbes family and for all of their neighbours, too.

Upon the outbreak of war his parents took the decision that Michael should be evacuated.

But his planned evacuation was no 60 mile journey to the countryside by bus or train. The evacuation of Michael was a journey of nearly 11,000 miles. For he was to be evacuated to live with his aunt in Melbourne, Australia.

We follow Michael through his life as he copes with the loneliness that he is faced with as he is separated from his parents, and how he learns to cope with living in an utterly different environment so many miles from home.

The book also looks at Michael in his later life as he looks back on his life, remembering all the people who he met along the way and thinking especially of those who helped him to develop into the adult that he grew into.

It is an extremely compelling novel with a narrative that grips the reader.

It is published by The Book Guild and will make an excellent Christmas gift for the lover of well-written modern fiction.

It costs £8.99 and is available for purchase from our very own book and gift shop here>>>