Thursday 26 September 2024

How to Create a Gluten-Free Christmas Feast: Recipes, Tips, and Drinks Pairing

Christmas is a time for indulgence, celebration, and plenty of food. But if you’re catering for gluten-free guests, or following a gluten-free diet yourself, it’s important to ensure everyone can enjoy the festivities without worry. 

Ignoring coeliac disease is not a good idea!

Luckily, with a little planning and creativity, you can put together a spectacular gluten-free Christmas feast that’s every bit as delicious as the traditional one. Below is a guide on how to create a satisfying Christmas meal, complete with perfect drinks to accompany each course.

Starter: Roasted Butternut Squash Soup with Gluten-Free Bread Rolls

Nothing sets the scene for a cosy, comforting meal like a warm bowl of roasted butternut squash soup. This starter is naturally gluten-free and can be made with ease. Here's what you’ll need:


1 large butternut squash, peeled and diced

2 medium carrots, peeled and chopped

1 onion, finely diced

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 litre vegetable stock (ensure it’s gluten-free)

1 tablespoon olive oil

Salt and pepper to taste

A pinch of nutmeg for extra warmth

Gluten-free bread rolls


Preheat your oven to 200°C. Toss the butternut squash and carrots in olive oil, season with salt, pepper, and a pinch of nutmeg, and roast for about 25-30 minutes until tender.

In a large pot, sauté the onions and garlic in a bit of olive oil until soft. Add the roasted vegetables and vegetable stock, and simmer for 15 minutes.

Use a blender to purée the mixture until smooth. Adjust seasoning as needed.

Serve with warm gluten-free bread rolls, buttered generously.

Drinks Pairing:

For a warm and hearty starter like this, opt for a light white wine, such as a Chenin Blanc. Its fruity notes will balance the sweetness of the butternut squash, while its acidity cuts through the creaminess. Alternatively, a dry cider adds a festive sparkle and complements the earthy sweetness of the soup.

Main Course: Roast Turkey with Gluten-Free Stuffing and Vegetables

Turkey is the centrepiece of many Christmas dinners, and luckily, it’s naturally gluten-free. However, the challenge often lies in the stuffing and gravy. But fear not, with a few clever swaps, you can keep this tradition alive while avoiding gluten.


1 whole turkey (size based on your gathering)

Olive oil, salt, pepper, and herbs (rosemary, thyme, sage)

Gluten-free stuffing mix or homemade stuffing (using gluten-free breadcrumbs, chestnuts, dried cranberries, and herbs)

Roasted potatoes

Carrots, parsnips, and Brussels sprouts

Gluten-Free Stuffing Method:

Preheat your oven to 180°C. Mix gluten-free breadcrumbs with chopped chestnuts, dried cranberries, and fresh herbs (sage, rosemary, thyme).

In a pan, sauté a chopped onion and a few minced garlic cloves in olive oil until soft. Combine with the breadcrumb mixture and moisten with a bit of gluten-free vegetable stock.

Stuff the turkey with this mixture or bake it separately in a greased dish.

Cooking the Turkey:

Rub the turkey with olive oil, salt, pepper, and herbs. Roast according to the bird’s weight (about 20 minutes per 450g plus an extra 20 minutes) at 180°C.

Make sure to baste the turkey every 30 minutes for a juicy result.

Serve with roast potatoes, caramelised carrots, parsnips, and Brussels sprouts.

Gluten-Free Gravy:

To accompany the turkey, use the drippings to make a gluten-free gravy. Simply thicken with gluten-free flour or cornflour, and season to taste.

Drinks Pairing:

A Pinot Noir is a fantastic choice for pairing with turkey. Its light body and red berry flavours won’t overpower the turkey, while its earthiness complements the roasted vegetables. For something different, try a spiced apple punch (hot or cold), which brings a festive, warming touch to the table.

Dessert: Gluten-Free Christmas Pudding with Brandy Cream

Christmas pudding is the quintessential British festive dessert, but many traditional recipes contain gluten in the form of flour or breadcrumbs. Fortunately, you can make a gluten-free version that’s just as rich and indulgent.


200g gluten-free flour

150g gluten-free breadcrumbs

100g suet (ensure it’s gluten-free)

200g dark brown sugar

100g raisins

100g currants

100g sultanas

50g chopped dried apricots

1 teaspoon mixed spice

Zest of 1 lemon and 1 orange

1 large egg

150ml dark rum or brandy

50ml milk (dairy-free if needed)


Combine all the dried fruit in a bowl and soak in rum or brandy overnight.

The next day, mix the flour, breadcrumbs, suet, sugar, and spices. Add the soaked fruit, zest, egg, and milk. Stir until combined.

Grease a pudding basin and pour in the mixture. Cover with parchment paper and tie with string.

Steam for 5-6 hours, topping up the water as needed. Let cool and store until Christmas Day, when you can steam it again for an hour before serving.

Serve with a rich brandy cream or gluten-free custard.

Drinks Pairing:

Christmas pudding pairs beautifully with a glass of Tawny Port or sherry. The rich, fortified wine enhances the deep flavours of the dried fruit, while the creaminess of a brandy cream contrasts the intense sweetness. For a non-alcoholic option, try a spiced mulled tea.

Final Thoughts

Creating a gluten-free Christmas feast doesn’t mean compromising on flavour or tradition. With these recipes and tips, you can serve up a festive meal that everyone will love, with the perfect drinks to match. Whether you’re toasting with a crisp white wine, a warming red, or a non-alcoholic punch, this gluten-free feast will make your Christmas dinner one to remember.

Happy gluten-free Christmas cooking!

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