Thursday 6 October 2022

Looking for a good gift idea? Nip down to Lidl!

My wife is a gardener, RHA trained, so she knows her stuff.

She has been sorting out our gardens, front and back, and has decided that the gardens required some new bulbs.

She had decided that the garden requires some new bulbs for the spring and she looked at several nearby garden centres and on line and could not find quite what she wanted.

After several days of searching, visiting and thinking, she suddenly said: "I think a trip to our local Lidl branch is called for to see what they have available as someone told me they have some bulbs available."

This morning my wife visited our nearest Lidl branch and returned with a whole shopping bag filled with a wide variety of bulbs.

There are Iris hollandica mixes, Narcissus mixes, Black Parrot Tulipia (which look awesome!) some Tulipa Triumph 'Seadov", some lovely alliums, some Tulipa Crispa Mix and so on.

Available bulbs include Crocus, Narcissus and Hyacinths and cost £1.29 per bag of bulbs. Others cost £1.49 a packet. "A vast difference to the £16 a packet other places are charging!" she has just informed me. 

My wife points out that the bulbs are all of very good appearance and cost a fraction of the price of bulbs from places where she would usually buy bulbs from.

Which set me to thinking. If you have someone with a small garden, or who has a flat with a balcony, why not get yourself off to Lidl, buy some bulbs and plant them in suitable compost (also available in Lidl) and give them out as unique and very acceptable Christmas presents?

If you want to learn more about what's available at your nearest branch of Lidl you can check out where your nearest branch is at

They also have, at the moment, a special range of indoor and outdoor plants which are on a "when it's gone, it's gone" basis, so worth while hurrying down there ASAP!

It's also worth checking out Lidl's rival retailer, Aldi, to see what they have. You can visit Aldi here

Incidentally this isn't a feature officially sanctioned by Lidl or Aldi, I saw the large bag of bulbs bought at a very decent price and thought they'd make nifty Christmas presents!

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