Sunday 13 October 2024

How to Ensure a More Christ-Based Christmas This Year

Christmas is often seen as a time for gift-giving, festive meals, and time spent with loved ones. While these traditions are wonderful, they can sometimes overshadow the true reason for the season—the birth of Jesus Christ. 

For Christians, Christmas is about celebrating the arrival of the Saviour, yet it’s easy to get caught up in the commercial aspects and lose sight of this deeper meaning.

If you’re looking to bring Christ back to the centre of your Christmas celebrations this year, here are some meaningful ways to refocus your festivities around faith:

1. Start with Prayer

One of the simplest yet most powerful ways to bring Christ into your Christmas is through prayer. Begin the festive season by praying as a family, asking God to help you focus on the true meaning of Christmas. Pray for gratitude, for love, and for the opportunity to share Christ’s message with others. Make prayer a part of your daily routine throughout December, whether it’s praying together at the dinner table, or during Advent readings.

On Christmas Day, take time to thank God for the gift of His Son before the celebrations begin. By setting aside this sacred time, you can start the day with a heart focused on Christ.

2. Read the Nativity Story

To truly understand the significance of Christmas, it’s important to revisit the story of Christ’s birth. Read the Nativity story from the Bible (Luke 2:1-20 or Matthew 1:18-25) either as part of your Advent celebrations or on Christmas morning. It can be a wonderful family tradition to gather together and read aloud the story of how Jesus came into the world.

For children, consider using a Nativity scene or storybook to help illustrate the events. Focusing on the humble beginnings of Jesus’ life reminds us that Christmas is about more than presents—it’s about God’s ultimate gift to humanity.

3. Attend Church Services

A Christ-based Christmas should involve worship, and attending church services is a central way to do this. Many churches hold special services throughout December, including Nativity plays, Advent services, and Christmas Eve or Christmas Day services. These gatherings offer a beautiful way to come together as a community to worship and reflect on the birth of Christ.

Make attending church a priority this year, and invite family or friends to join you. It’s a wonderful way to remember the spiritual aspect of the season and to celebrate Christ’s birth with others who share your faith.

4. Incorporate Advent Traditions

Advent is the period leading up to Christmas and is a time of anticipation and preparation for the coming of Christ. There are many Advent traditions you can incorporate into your Christmas season that help keep the focus on Jesus.

One popular tradition is using an Advent calendar, which marks the days leading up to Christmas. Instead of a typical calendar filled with chocolate, look for one that includes daily Bible verses or reflections on the Nativity story. This can be a meaningful way to countdown to Christmas while keeping Christ at the centre of your thoughts.

Lighting an Advent wreath is another tradition that symbolises the coming of the light of Christ into the world. Each candle has a special meaning, and lighting them each week is a powerful reminder of the hope, peace, love, and joy that Jesus brings.

5. Give in the Spirit of Christ

While giving and receiving gifts is a part of Christmas, it’s easy to get caught up in materialism. To have a Christ-based Christmas, shift the focus of giving to reflect the love and generosity of Jesus. Consider how you can give in a way that mirrors the compassion and selflessness Christ demonstrated throughout His life.

This could mean giving to those in need, whether through donations to charities, supporting a family struggling this Christmas, or volunteering your time to help the less fortunate. Jesus taught us to care for the poor and marginalised, and embracing this aspect of His teaching during the festive season helps us remember that Christmas is about love, kindness, and serving others.

6. Create Christ-Centred Traditions

Many of our Christmas traditions, like decorating the tree or exchanging gifts, are fun but don’t always reflect the religious nature of the holiday. Why not create some new traditions that bring a Christ-centred focus to your celebrations?

You could set up a Nativity scene in your home and place Jesus in the manger on Christmas morning as part of your celebration. Another idea is to have a birthday cake for Jesus as a fun way for children to understand that Christmas is about celebrating His birth. Singing traditional Christmas carols with religious significance, like “O Holy Night” or “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing,” can also help keep the focus on Christ.

7. Share the Good News

Christmas is the perfect time to share the message of Christ’s love with others. Whether it’s through acts of kindness, inviting someone to church, or simply having a conversation about the true meaning of the season, take the opportunity to share your faith.

You could also send out Christmas cards that feature Bible verses or a message about the birth of Christ. In a season where so much attention is on gifts and decorations, sharing the Good News with others helps spread the light of Christ’s love.

8. Reflect on Christ’s Love

Amidst the busyness of Christmas, take time to reflect on the love of Christ and what His birth means for you personally. Set aside quiet moments during the day to think about the gift of salvation, the joy of knowing Christ, and the hope that His coming brings to the world. You could do this through Bible study, personal devotion, or simply spending time in quiet reflection.

By keeping your heart and mind focused on Jesus, you’ll find that the distractions of the season fade away, and you can truly experience the peace and joy that Christmas is meant to bring.


This year, make a conscious effort to have a more Christ-based Christmas by focusing on the spiritual significance of the season. Through prayer, worship, giving, and reflecting on the birth of Jesus, you can celebrate Christmas in a way that honours its true meaning. By bringing Christ back into your Christmas traditions, you’ll not only deepen your faith but also experience the joy and peace that comes from focusing on the greatest gift of all—the love of Christ.

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