Sunday 9 October 2016

That's Books and Entertainment: Snatched

That's Books and Entertainment: Snatched: Kieran. He is a normal, average businessman, running a normal, average (but high end) ticket agency. But the truth is that Kieran is not...

That's Books and Entertainment: Eugene

That's Books and Entertainment: Eugene: Eugene is a novel from author John G. Smith. John G. Smith was talking with a veteran of WW2. He heard a tragic story of how the veteran...

That's Books and Entertainment: In No Time At All

That's Books and Entertainment: In No Time At All: Do you remember the novel by N. A. Millington, Time for Tanechka? Now it is time for In No Time At All, the long-waited sequel, which al...

That's Books and Entertainment: Abdication

That's Books and Entertainment: Abdication: In his latest work, Abdication, historian and biographer Mark Hichens takes a detailed and percipient look at the story of the man who cou...

That's Books and Entertainment: Tears of the West

That's Books and Entertainment: Tears of the West: Tears of the West is the third novel from Ted York. In it York explores the terrifying possibility of biological warfare. The source o...

That's Books and Entertainment: Second Strand

That's Books and Entertainment: Second Strand: Second Strand is the latest novel from Devon's very own mystery writer, Carolyn McCrae. Alex and Teri are in a difficult situation. ...

That's Books and Entertainment: Stay Put? Make a Move?

That's Books and Entertainment: Stay Put? Make a Move?: Thomas Nevins is an international labour and human resource development consultant. He is the founder and chief consultant with TMT Inc....