Sunday, 17 December 2017

That's Books and Entertainment: Stargazey World

That's Books and Entertainment: Stargazey World: This is a new novel from published author Christine Dawe. It's something of a departure for Christine Dawe, an author of a number o...

That's Books and Entertainment: Quick and Quirky

That's Books and Entertainment: Quick and Quirky: Quick and Quirky is a quick and quirky collection of humorous short stories and quips from the pen of debut author Fred Onymouse. It&#39...

That's Books and Entertainment: The Human Ape

That's Books and Entertainment: The Human Ape: The Human ape, subtitled "A Magnificently Minute Moment" is a debut collection of poetry from poet Mark Cox. The poems cover a...

That's Books and Entertainment: Coach Yourself First

That's Books and Entertainment: Coach Yourself First: Coach Yourself First is a new and invaluable book for coaches and supervisors in a business setting by Mark Bisson, who earned an MA in ap...

That's Books and Entertainment: Responsibility and its Avoidance

That's Books and Entertainment: Responsibility and its Avoidance: Responsibility and its Avoidance is a vital new work by a consultant and project manager, Donald Curtis. He has seen experience not only...

That's Books and Entertainment: Responsibility and its Avoidance

That's Books and Entertainment: Responsibility and its Avoidance: Responsibility and its Avoidance is a vital new work by a consultant and project manager, Donald Curtis. He has seen experience not only...

That's Books and Entertainment: The Diary of an Old Drunk

That's Books and Entertainment: The Diary of an Old Drunk: The Diary of an Old Drunk is a remarkable novel by George Bothamley. It is an intriguing book. Part philosophical discourse, part novel,...